Program Info
2024 Season Stats
Top Times Report
10.24.24 - End of Regular Season
State Qualifiers
Clare Capasso - Diving
Meg Dahlin - 200 Free, 50 Free, 100 Free, 100 Back
Hope Enge - 50 Free, 100 Free
Tatum Enge - 200 IM, 200 Free, 50 Free, 100 Fly, 100 Free, 100 Breast
Gracyn Kehoe - 200 Free, 200 IM, 50 Free, 100 Fly, 100 Free, 500 Free, 100 Breast
Alexa McDevitt - IRONWOMAN
Clare Watson - IRONWOMAN
CJ Woare - 200 IM, 100 Fly, 500 Free
200 Medley Relay
200 Free Relay
400 Free Relay
Practice Schedule
Our general practice schedule for the season is as follows:
Swimming (all practices at Mary Wayte Pool)
Monday: 5:30am-7am or 3:30pm-5:30pm
Tuesday: 3:30pm-5:30pm
Wednesday: 6:30am-8am; 3:30pm-5:30pm
Thursday: 3:30pm-5:30pm
Friday: 5:30am-7am; 3:30pm-5:30pm
Diving (all practices at Mercerwood Shoreclub)
Monday: 4pm-5:30pm
Tuesday: 4pm-5:30pm
Wednesday: 4pm-5:30pm
There is no practice on meet days.
Practice schedule and location is always subject to change. Please be sure to keep up on the Coach's Corner portion of the website for the most up-to-date information.
Dive practices move to Mary Wayte Pool for the final two weeks of the season (Districts and State).
Program Philosophy and Perspective
It is our intention at Mercer Island High School to provide a complete athletic program. The Mercer Island program does not focus purely on wins and losses, but recognizes the importance of high school athletics in the development of self-esteem and worth in today’s students. The coaching staff works each off-season to create more opportunities for all athletes who join this program to develop as people, students, and athletes. Coaches want these young athletes to grow into responsible adults, who understand how hard work and dedication to themselves and others can translate into success in all aspects of their life. We remain consistent over time in our expectations, which allows for all involved to understand their role within the program enabling growth each season.
We as a coaching staff will work this season to accomplish the following:
1. We will work to help each athlete to perform as well as they and the team are capable at all times.
2. We will work from day one developing goals and a deeper understanding of ourselves so we can grow each day and help each other achieve in and out of the pool.
3. We want all of the athletes to understand the rich tradition of the program.
4. We want athletes to understand the daily commitment necessary to maximize potential and therefore be prepared each day.
5. We will communicate with each other, parents, and athletes.
6. We will continue to emphasize positives each day, while finding new ways to challenge all the athletes.
7. We will emphasize excellent attendance at practice and meets, a strong work ethic, and motivate each athlete to become the best they can be.
8. We want all athletes to finish the season with a positive feeling of mutual accomplishment.
9. All athletes are asked to give the program a commitment for the entire season.
Attendance Policy
The attendance policy in affect is as follows:
Athletes should attend as many practices as possible each week. You have a responsibility to yourself, your team, and your coach to do this.
An athlete should strive to make five practices a week. There are typically 8 practices a week (3 mornings, 5 afternoons) offered to allow all athletes to achieve this goal. Note: Meets count as practices. For weeks 3-9 of the season, each athlete gets 4 total opportunities to "miss" a practice with no consequence. These opportunities should be used for school clubs, band, extra activities or appointments with direct conflicts to an offered practice. For the post-season, attendance will be set by the coach; expect at least three practices plus the swim meet as a requirement for each of the three weeks of post season.
An athlete cannot save up more than five practices one week and then go to less practices the next week.
Athletes can attend more than five practices and earn over 100% attendance towards their lettering goal, as space allows in additional practices. Please see coach prior to coming to more than one practice per day.
Organizing this many workouts throughout the week will allow athletes to meet their schedule and train sufficiently to progress and reach their goals.
Athletes should plan to attend practice for its entire duration from beginning to end.
Athletes should set their workout schedule for each week by the Friday prior in order to them be the most successful when juggling other activities. The use of a planner or calendar is strongly suggested by coaching staff. Coaches are more than happy to help students organize their schedules.
If there is an emergency situation, which may arise, clearance for such an absence should be done through email or face-to-face contact with the head coach prior to that practice. Please do not send an e-mail after the fact.
If an athlete does not meet the minimum number of workouts for the week, that athlete will discuss the situation with the head coach to discuss a plan of improvement.
Sanctions for continued absences can include: limited events during meets, removal from competition, loss of varsity letter, and can be as severe as removal from the swim and dive team. This goes for all swimmers.
Athletes must remember that it is necessary to be at practice the day before a competition or they may forfeit their right to compete the next day. Exceptions will be made for pre-arranged absences for important school or family situations. Please be sure to budget your time and keep up with your classes.
Athletes are expected to participate in post-season championship meets and events as they qualify.
Athletes must attend 85% of practices to earn PE credit from the school.
Student-Athlete Expectations/Code of Conduct
1. We believe the athletes who take part in this program need to become students of the sport and understand why we train the way we do, and that all teammates can rejoice in the success of other, a reflection on the team as a whole.
2. We believe the athletes that take part in this program must understand and accept that hard, honest work is the road we must travel to reach any end for which we search; so to this end we believe all athletes should come to practice prepared.
3. We believe the athletes who take part in this program must understand and accept that athletic success cannot happen at the expense of academic work. The education each student receives in the classroom is vital, and will remain more important than swimming or diving. Not only will we compete to the best of our ability in the pool, but we will also strive to be the best in the classroom.
4. We believe that athletes must take responsibility for the choices they make and understand that decisions they make affect everyone on the team.
5. We believe in the good of the team over the good of the individual. Athletes should strive to create an environment with other athletes are welcome and can be successful.
6. We believe the athletes in this program should always carry themselves with respect and also show that same respect to the other teams who that we compete against. Good sportsmanship at all times, whether we win or lose, is an important piece of what this team is made of.
7. We expect that every athlete on the team will follow the athletic code of the school, reviewed and signed by each athlete prior to the beginning of the season. Note: I want to emphasize that I believe in the school policy. It is what we will follow to the letter during this season. The athletic code is on the school's web page. Please refer to the policy to make sure there is no confusion as to what is expected of athletes.
8. Participation on this team is a choice. We expect that all athletes are positive voices when participating. While we all have bad days/periods of time, consistent negativity is detrimental to team cohesion and could constitute removal from team activities or the team.
9. While this is a non-cut sport, athletes will be held to a standard of needing to swim at least a 200 freestyle unassisted and know at least one other legal stroke other than freestyle prior to joining the team. Speed is not of importance (we will help with that!).
Athletes and families of athletes who repeatedly do not meet these expectations may be asked to leave the program.
Coaching Expectations
We will work as hard as humanly possible to help each of you achieve your goals.
We will strive to learn from each of you each day.
We will be prepared each day.
We will strive to communicate one-on-one with each athletes as often as possible.
We will always be open to your questions, concerns, and comments in regards to the team.
We will continue to emphasize the positives we see each day, while finding new ways to challenge all athletes.
So what needs to happen during the season?
Have a good time. Athletes who enjoy what they are doing will perform at a higher level than those who feel pressured to participate. We will work daily to ensure this happens.
Be ready to work hard daily at each practice.
Coaches will be prepared to teach, encourage, train, and motivate all athletes.
PARENTAL SUPPORT OF WHAT WE DO ALL DURING THE SEASON IS VITAL! Please arrange dentist and other appointments for other times rather than during practice.
Recognize competition as a method of learning.
Keep meet results in perspective, understanding that place, personal achievement, and time are all-important factors to consider during the season. We need for all athletes to learn how to race during these competitions.
Don't be afraid to try something new and different (taking risks makes us stronger, and presents us with situations from which we learn new things). This means new events, and new ways to race.
Lettering Policy
1. The Diving lettering policy will be set by Ed Artis and communicated out to the divers.
2. For a swimmer to letter, they must earn 16 out of 20 lettering points.
· Points must be earned from columns A, B, C and either D or E.
· Athletes will be given points from D or E depending on what they earn the most points in. Coaches will calculate both.
Athletes with less than 75% attendance for the season should expect not to letter.
This policy emphasizes the importance of all aspects of the sport. Although this is the case, I still reserve the right of “coach’s prerogative” in certain instances when deciding who receives a letter at the end of the season. Keep track of what you swim and your attendance as the season progresses.
2023 Season Stats Archive
Top Times Reports
State Qualifiers
Meg Dahlin (50 Free, 100 Free, 100 Back)
Hope Enge (50 Free, 100 Free)
Piper Enge (200 Free, 200 IM, 50 Free, 100 Fly, 100 Free, 500 Free, 100 Back, 100 Breast)
Gracyn Kehoe (200 Free, 200 IM, 50 Free, 100 Fly, 100 Free, 500 Free, 100 Breast)
Isabel Peng (200 Free, 200 IM, 100 Fly, 100 Free, 500 Free)
Emma Nowakowski (100 Fly, 100 Breast)
CJ Woare (200 IM, 500 Free)
Vivian Woare (100 Fly)
Jeanette Zhao (100 Fly)
200 Medley Relay
200 Free Relay
400 Free Relay
Gold Cap
Hazen: Elise Rogers
Skyline: CJ Woare
Issaquah: Rachael Yoo
Bellevue: Emma Nowakowski
Lake Washington: Nadia Slivinski
New Trier/Deerfield: N/A
Brookfield East: N/A
Newport: N/A
Holy Names: Maya Torky
Juanita: Elise McDonald
Kingco Invite: Greta Weeks
Kingco Champs: N/A